Böyük Britaniya və Şimali İrlandiya Birləşmiş Krallığı Natali Travel Agency

Quba - Qusar



Its location is one of the closest to the capital regions of Azerbaijan. Due to its good location (168 km from Baku) and rich infrastructure, the Guba region is one of the favorite tourist destinations. Visitors have long chosen Gechresh place where you can relax in the shady woods, Tangaalti gorge where the river carries Velvelichai stormy waters, the famous waterfall Afurdzhi that is listed in Monuments of Azerbaijani Nature List. The district has a unique mountain village Khinalig, located at an altitude of 2500 m. above sea level. The population of the village is a separate ethnographic group, with its own language.

At the territory of Gusar district are four out of nine existing in the Republic climatic zones. Favorable natural conditions create a great opportunity for organization of the resorts, recreational and tourist complexes in this area. This is a popular ski resort in winter and a camp site in the lap of the Caucasus mountains in summer

During the winter season there will be 19 ski slopes available for skiers of all levels. A professional ski school and a ski hire shop will offer a wide range of ski equipment and advice to cater for guests every need. In the warmer summer months the mountain will come alive with activities such as Mountain Biking, Trontinettes, Zip lining, Horse riding, Quad biking, Paintballing and Bob Karts to name but a few. Younger children will also be catered for with a children’s club and bouncy castle as well as other activities.


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