Böyük Britaniya və Şimali İrlandiya Birləşmiş Krallığı Natali Travel Agency

Hunting and fishing in Azerbaijan

Hunt for fun is not only the oldest, but also the most natural sport as a direct and atavistic interaction of people with nature. In harmony with environment, a hunter doesn't destroy it. People have been hunting so for long and will always do if other types of human activity don't destroy flora and fauna.

Fishing is the most ancient and popular hobby of millions. It engrosses people at any age entirely and forever. Choosing a fishing place is the first step to run in advance. Fishers'cherished places are those near a levee of the Mingechaur Reservoir, where they fish both above and below the spillway.

We can provides you full package of hunting arrangement services

-Lease of hunting areas and provision of hunting licenses

-Lease of special vehicles including such as SUV`s and waterborne vehicles

-Lease of tourist camp

-Service personnel and huntsmen in the hunting area


-Initial processing and delivery of hunting trophies to Baku

-Services of birdman (preparation of phantoms

-Permit for important of hunting weapons and ammunition

-Sightseeing tours in Baku at the beginning or the end of the hunting


Hunting Season for animals and birds



Dagestan Goat


Caucasian chamois and deer


Wild Boar, lynx


Black Francolin


Water fowl

October - March

Wolf,fox and hare


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