Böyük Britaniya və Şimali İrlandiya Birləşmiş Krallığı Natali Travel Agency

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Kinda 2,000 Years After His Death

Kinda 2,000 Years After His Death

Today marks the 2,000th anniversary of the Augustus’ death. In a city in which more than a few great leaders…

Trapizzino, Rome’s OG Street Food

Trapizzino, Rome’s OG Street Food

Rome’s rapidly growing trend, “lo street food”, seems unstoppable. I’m not talking…

Gluten Dining & Food Shopping in Rome

Gluten Dining & Food Shopping in Rome

Pastries at Sans de Blé in San Paolo. In spite of Rome’s reputation as an epicenter of gluten consumption,…

Mordi e Vai in the Testaccio Market

Mordi e Vai in the Testaccio Market

Sergio Esposito preparing a panino all’allesso. When the new Mercato di Testaccio opened in July 2012, vendors…

Hotel Review: DOM Hotel In Rome

Hotel Review: DOM Hotel In Rome

A very pricey cocktail in progress on the roof of the new-ish DOM Hotel. The DOM Hotel, a five-star luxury retreat,…

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